Peter Bagi, Master QEP v EU.
Žije a tvorí na Slovensku v Bratislave.
Vyštudoval SŠUP a pracoval v Slovenskej televízi.
Od r. 1985 je členom SFVU, (Slovenského fondu výtvarných umení).
Je spoluzakladateľ APFSR - 2007, (Asociácia profesionálnych fotografov Slovenskej republiky).
Prvý fotograf na Slovensku, ktorý zíkal prestížne ocenenie Master QEP 2009,
(kvalifikovaný európsky fotograf).
Do roku 2013 sa zúčastnil všetkých výstav APFSR, SFVU a má za sebou veľa individuálnych výstav.
Okrem komerčnej fotografie (produkty, architektúra, portréty, foto pre reklamu) sa zaoberá
voľnou tvorbou ilustrácií.
Počas svojich ciest štyrmi kontinentmi sa začal zaoberať skladaním obrazov súvisiacich
s prírodou a mystériami života.
Fotografie reprezentujú jeho tvorbu na Slovensku, Európe, Rusku, USA ale aj v Kanade.
Skoro všetky práce sú vo veľkosti 60x60cm a väčšie, v rozlíšení 300dpi,
tlačené na ručnom papieri a signované autorom.
Kontakt: mail:, tel.: 0409 111 713
Peter Bagi, MQEP (Master Qualified European Photographer).
Resides and works in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Studied at SŠUP (Art School)
Extensive work experience within creative departments of Slovak Television (STV).
Co-founder of APFSR in 2007 (Association of professional photographers of the Slovak Republic).
Member of SFVU (Slovak fund for the arts) since 1985.
Peter is the first Slovak photographer who received the Master QEP award in 2009.
He has done numerous exhibitions around Slovakia and attended all the exhibitions of APFSR and SFVU.
Besides doing commercial photography (shoots of catalogues of products, architecture, portraits, advertising) he creates his own unique kind of illustrations.
Travelling around the four continents and taking trips to unusual places, has given him inspiration for capturing moments on photo of nature’s beauty and mysteries of life on earth.
His pictures capture the essence of the natural beauty of Slovakia, Europe, Russia, USA and Canada through his eyes.
Pictures Info:
Most of the pictures are 60 x 60 cm, 23.6 x 23.6 inch
Resolution 300dpi
Printed, handmade finish, author signature
Contact Info:
Phone: 00 421 904 111 713
2.Slon africký / African Elephant | 50x50cm |
3.Nosorožec / Rhinoceros | 50x50cm |
4.Lev / African Lion I. | 50x50cm |
5.Buvol / Buffalo | 50x50cm |
6.Zebra / Zebra | 50x50cm |
7.Leopard / Panther | 50x50cm |
8.Slnečnice / Sunflowers | 50x50cm |
9.Ruže / Roses | 50x50cm |
10.Lev / African Lion II. | 60x80cm |
11.Slon indický / Rhino Indian | 60x80cm |
12.Leguán / Iguana | 80x60cm |
13.Ryby / Fishes - Astronotus ocellatus | 80x60cm |
14.Medveď biely / Polar bear | 60x80cm |
15.Žirafa / Giraffe | 60x80cm |
16.Orol belohlavý / Eagle | 60x80cm |
17.Gorila / Gorilla | 60x80cm |
18.Zodiac - terč / target - west | 50x50cm |
19.Zodiac - west | 50x50cm |
20.Afrika - terč / target | 50x50cm |
21.Zodiac - ost - Čína / China | 50x50cm |
22.Baran, Aries | 50x50/25x25cm |
23.Váhy, Libra | 50x50/25x25cm |
24.Žirafy pre Petra Bearda | 100x55cm |
25.Levy, Aligátor / Lions, Aligator | 100x55cm |
26.Bojnický zámok / Castle | 50x50cm |
27.Veduta Bratislavy | 50x50/25x25cm |
28.Vitruvianus | 50x50/25x25cm |
29.Majský kalendár | 50x50/25x25cm |
30.Kristus | 50x50/25x25cm |
31.Amazonka | 50x50/25x25cm |
32.Egypt | 50x50/25x25cm |
33.Triton a Nymfa s poznámkami Wiliama Blacka | 50x50cm |
34.Sokol rároh / Falcon | |
35.Havran z Bajkalu / Raven | |
36.Sokol / Falcon | |
37.Deň na dostihoch III. / A Day at the Races III. | 80x60cm |
38.Deň na dostihoch II. / A Day at the Races II. | 80x60cm |
39.Deň na dostihoch I. / A Day at the Races I. | 80x60cm |
40.Diana | 50x50cm |
41.Portréty koní / portrait | 60x80cm |
42.Kôň portrét I. / portrait | 60x80cm |
43.Kôň portret II. / portrait | 60x80cm |
44.Lipicáni z Topolčianok | 60x80cm |
45.Lipicani z Topolčianok | 60x80cm |
46.Miss portrait | |
47.Miss portrait | |
48.Japonsko | |
49.Japonsko | |
50.Sicília | |
51.Sicília | |
52.reprodukcie diel | |
53.objekty interiér/exteriér | |
54.produktová fotografia | |
55.reklama | |
56.katalógy | |
57.portréty a tablá | |
58.Absolut I. / poster | 80x60cm |
59.Absolut II. / poster | 80x60cm |
60.Budha do interiéru / Budha for interior | |
61.Budha do interiéru / Budha for interior | 50x50cm |
62.Motýle I. interiér / Interior | 50x50cm |